Our History
The history of Local 27 is one that spans over 140 years and has survived through times of depression and prospered in times of growth. On April 18th, 1882, led by Peter J. McGuire, Local 27 was established as a chartered Local of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Through the first half of the 20th century, Local 27 focused on many initiatives that members today may not realize. Initiates such as implementing an 8 hour work day, removing child labour from job sites, mandating employers to provide breaks and clean working conditions and creating opportunities for members to have a voice. While job protection and fair wages have been the focus of Local 27 from its inception. Local 27 today continues to advocate for strong wages and safe work environments which have allowed members of the Carpenters Union to be the most productive workers involved in construction. Through the decades that passed, Local 27 would grow in strength and numbers and contribute to the building of some of Toronto's most iconic structures.
Local 27 continued to grow and strengthen its membership on job sites across Toronto, but it was realized in 1982 that Local 27 could have more strength and impact through bringing smaller Locals under the umbrella of Local 27.
In 1982 a referendum was held to merge all Toronto Locals together and with the merger the membership of Local 27 surged to over 4000 members.
More than a half-million men & women who perform safe,
productive work every day.

“Without a trade union, the workman meets the employer at a great disadvantage.” - Peter J. McGuire
What is the UBC?
It began in 1881, when 36 carpenters from 11 cities formed a national union with a constitution, a structure and two thousand members. From humble beginnings arose a powerful political and economic force, setting the standards for wages, benefits, conditions and quality on every project in the U.S. and Canada. Much has changed in a century, but growth still rests on reaching out and opening doors to all working carpenters.
What Does the UBC Emblem Represent?
In 1884, delegates to the United Brotherhood of Carpenters’ Fourth General Convention adopted this emblem to serve as a symbol of the union’s ideals. The emblem was originally designed by the old National Union of Carpenters which was organized in September 1864.
More than 130 years after the founding of the UBC, some of the tools within the emblem are no longer common on job sites. However, the design elements and the values they represent remain a vital part of the Brotherhood.
The Motto: The inscribed Latin, “Labor Omnia Vincit,” means “Labor Conquers All Things.”
The Rule: Signifies the desire of the organization to live by the Golden Rule: “To do unto others as we would wish others to do unto us.”
The Compass: Indicates that we shall endeavour to surround our members with better conditions, socially, morally, and intellectually.
The Jack Plane: A tool emblematic of the trade.
The Colours: Pale blue signifies ideas as pure, clean, and lofty as the skies. The dark red denotes that “labor is honourable,” and that
through honourable labor red blood flows through the veins of those who toil.
The Shield or base of the Emblem: Indicates that those legally wearing the emblem are morally bound to safeguard and protect the interests of the organization and its members.